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We will only call or send text messages regarding your order.
Must be 6 characters or longer.
Photo of You holding your ID*
Attach a File Here
Max file size is 5mb. Must be JPG, JPEG, or PNG.
Upload a “selfie” photo of your face next to your government issued photo identification.
Close Up Photo of your ID*
Attach a File Here
Max file size is 5mb. Must be JPG, JPEG, or PNG.
Photo of MMIC *
Attach a File Here
Max file size is 5mb. Must be JPG, JPEG, or PNG.
Photo of Medical Recommendation*
Attach a File Here
Max file size is 5mb. Must be JPG, JPEG, or PNG.

We're closed now, but feel free to place an order and we will process it as soon as we open. Our normal hours are 10a - 10p.